Solar Electricity Handbook - 2015 Edition by Michael Boxwell.
Now in its ninth edition, the book assumes no previous knowledge of
solar electric systems. The book explains how solar panels work and how
they can be used. It explains the advantages of solar energy and the
drawbacks that you need to take into account when designing a solar
power system.
As well as explaining the underlying principles, it
provides a step-by-step guide so that you can successfully design and
install a photovoltaic solar system from scratch. Unlike many guides,
The Solar Electricity Handbook explains the principles behind the
technology, allowing the reader to design solar energy systems with
confidence. The book has been used all around the world, designing
systems as diverse as providing entire African villages with
electricity, powering vending machines, building grid-tied systems for
housing, building a one-off solar electric car and creating lighting for
an allotment shed.
Accompanying the book is a website that
provides solar calculators and online tools to help simplify the solar
design process, including a unique database of sunlight values for every
major town and city in every country in the world that has been created
specifically for this book in conjunction with NASA.
Readers can also get in touch with the author directly to ask questions and get further support with their solar projects.
Get it here: Solar Electricity Handbook - 2015 Edition.